MMI Connect

MMI Connect is a small standalone application used to auto open URLs based on the content of the Clipboard text.

The newest version is available on Download page.

- Second download URL when Ctrl is pressed or custom URL for the respective firm save in the config (v2.15-v2.17)
- New activation not working if activated in last 1 min (v2.13)
- Detects Prefix regardless of the separator or without separator (v.2.12)
- History list is updated only for activated strings (v.2.11)
- Added hints on the buttons (v.2.09)
- Automatic send is disabled if the string was already sent (v.2.07)
- Saves in a dropdown list all used clipboard values (v.2.02)
- Added Max Length and Browser per URL configure (v.2.00)
- New function - Saved Lists (v1.36)
- Added Upgrade button (v1.33)
- Issued a user guide
- Detect multi-prefixes in a List (v1.27)
- Configure browser to use for opening the URLs (v1.20)
- Log file added for usage (v1.16)
- ServiceNow URLs fast initialization (v1.14)
- New configuration edit screen (v1.13)
- Auto check for new text in clipboard (v1.10)
- Added second General URL - two buttons for 1st and 2nd URL (v1.07)

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